Friday, October 22, 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation EBI

Some of the difficulties we faced did set us back with the work but we managed to get on with it and it looked good after we had made it. It would have been even better if when it came to filming we could have actually filmed our piece although we did in the end. We had to go through four different cameras until we were able to find a camera that would let us film. Also what would have been even better would if we could have found a location that we could stick to, we found a location then was asked to move and then we found another location and there were people being noisy.

Preliminary Task Evaluation WWW

What went well about the preliminary task is that we all managed to work well together in a group. Also although we had some difficulties when it came to editing we managed to work together and get through it. Some of the other things that went well were that we managed to film the film using the 180 degree rule within breaking it and we also managed to use match on action and shot/reverse shot in the continuity task. When we finally sorted out all of the problems with some of our equipment we managed to film the film in less than an hour. I found that as a group we worked really well together.

Preliminary Task

The Understanding of Continuity Editing

Some of these are the following continuity editing techniques, some of which we used in our preliminary task.

Match on Action
This is when something happens in a scene and the piece is cut but is still showing the same piece of action going on but from a different angle and view.

Shot Reverse Shot
This is when one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at that character. The characters are shown looking in different directions and so this gives the viewer the impression that the characters that they are looking at one another.

180 Degree Rule
This is rule when filming that shows that the two characters should have the same left/right relationship when in the same scene together, this rule should not be broken.

Eyeline Match
This is showing on the screen what the actual character is seeing.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Media - Induction Tasks EBI

The task that I didn't think was good was the jobsite task as most of the footage that we filmed was not there when it came to importing. We filmed the task well and worked well but the footage that was most important to the advert was not there. We tried to work with what footage we had but it was not successful.

Media - Induction Tasks WWW

We had many tasks for the induction but the one that I enjoyed was the Donnie Darko task. I enjoyed this because not as many things went wrong with this task, it was filmed, uploaded and edited successfully. What went well about this task was that it didn't take very long to film the task and it didn't take very long to edit the task because we all knew what we were doing. What I learned from this task were the different ways you could film to make a film look good and successful.

How I personalised my blog

I only personalised my blog by changing the design of the blog, the navbar colour, I added popular posts to my blog and a gadget to search the blog. The steps of how I did this are:

Changing the design

Step 1 - To change the design of my blog I had to go to the design button at the top of the page and click on a link that said "template designer".

Step 2 - I then chose a design that I liked and then clicked on "apply to blogger".

Changing the navbar colour

Step 1 - I clicked on design and then edit next to the navbar.

Step 2 - A box appeared and I clicked on the colour I wanted the navbar to be and then save.

Adding the popular posts gadget

Step 1 - I clicked on design and then the "add gadget" link.

Step 2 - A box appeared and I clicked the plus sign to add what I wanted to my blog which was the popular posts gadget.

Step 3 - I then clicked on the save button.

Adding the search blog gadget

Step 1 - I clicked on design and then the "add gadget" link.

Step 2 - A box appeared and I clicked the plus sign to add what I wanted to my blog which was the search blog gadget.

Step 3 - I then clicked on the save button.

My first blog practice

The steps to how I uploaded my picture onto my blog are:

Step 1 - I called this post "My first blog practice".

Step 2 - I clicked on the small icon that looks like a sky and mountains that is the second to last icon on the row above.

Step 3 - Once I clicked on the icon a box appeared and I chose the layout that I wanted my picture and text to be in and the size of the picture. I then clicked the browse button to get my image.

Step 4 - Once I had clicked on the browse button I chose an image and clicked open.

Step 5 - I saw that my image was there and so I clicked the upload button and my image was on the page.