The Title of the Film
The titles of the film appear to be fading onto the screen; they look as if they are flying towards the viewer as we look at them in the black background. The darkness and how the titles appear slow paced makes the mood quite scary and creepy. The colouring of the titles stand out because they are such as bright colour in such as dark background, once again making the mood of this opening sequence seem creepy and also quite sinister.
Setting and Location
There are a few different settings and locations within this opening sequence, but firstly we start of with a woman going into a wine cellar to pick a bottle of wine so that she can take it to the next place we see which is upstairs in a big house. The setting at the beginning is also quite creepy because it seems as if someone is watching the woman get the bottle of wine. The woman goes upstairs to the big house and although it does not seem as creepy as before it feels lonely because there are only two people in a big house by themselves.
Costumes and Location
The viewer first see's the woman in the wine cellar in which the woman is wearing a nice dress as if she were going out for the evening, in this opening sequence that is not the case where the woman is going out because we see her in a big house with a man, whom is one of the main characters. The man's costume consists of a shirt and smart trousers, once again showing that he also could be going out for the evening. The costumes could tell the viewer that these two characters have just been out somewhere nice and come back home and are finishing the night with a bottle of wine.
Camerawork and Editing
The titles of the film are edited as slow paced and are shown to be in the centre of the page. We see a good close-up of a light powering up which is a good way to go into the film. There is a mid-shot of the woman when she is going to the shelves where the wine is and it looks as if someone or something is watching her, this is also slow paced. We then see a two shot of the man and woman when they are talking. After the woman has come back from the cellar the shots begin to get a bit fast paced.
Title Font and Style
The title font seems to be in capital letters which makes the opening of this film seem more scary and thrilling. The colouring of the font is a bright colour shown in a dark background showing the film is sinister and scary.
The Story - How the opening sets it up
The opening sequence sets the story up a bit because it shows that as the opening sequence seems more sinister and scary the rest of the film could be sinister and scary. Also when we see the woman in the wine cellar it seems as if someone or something is watching the woman and so this could set the story up to show that something is lurking around watching the characters and waiting to strike at these characters.
Genre - How the opening suggests it
The opening suggests that this film has the genres of mystery and the genre of thriller. The opening suggests this because what is watching the woman in the shadows is a mystery and also thrilling to the viewer. Also when the man and woman are in the house alone it is thrilling because the viewer does not know what to expect and it seems almost odd that there are only two people in this big house.
Introducing the Characters
So far we only see what we think are two characters of this film as this is a short opening sequence. We see a woman introduced by going down to a wine cellar and a man introduced when the woman goes back up to the house and we see him waiting for her.
Special Shots and Effects
We firstly see a special shot of the woman when she is in the wine cellar; we see this shot through the shelves of where the wine is stacked. The shot of the woman through the shelves looks as if someone or something is watching her. We then see a long shot of the woman through the staircase when she seems slightly scared as she is alone; once again this shot looks as if someone or something is watching her. There is a special shot of when the man and woman are sitting together and are looking at something which shows their reflection.
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