Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Facebook Feedback
This is a showing feedback from people on facebook and this is what Shehabur did.
Although Shehabur did this facebook audience feedback, I did ask some people if they would watch Seized and so they did. The audience feedback that they gave me was quite positive such as, some people said "I thought it was very good, quite creepy" and I did get some feedback that was not as positive which consisted of "I don't understand what this bit has to do with the film" and "Why has this been repeated twice". All the feedback that was given was taken into account and we did changed some of the film a little bit due to this comments which really helped.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Storyboard - Seized

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

As I have said within question six, I have learnt how to use blogger, the macs and how to upload something to the macs. I feel that I have also learnt how to use more shots effectively because when making short films for the preliminary task I wasn’t making them as good and effective as I have made the final product. When making things within the preliminary task we didn’t make good use of props whereas working on the final product we have made use of a lot of props. Also I feel that I have progressed when thinking about ideas for opening sequences because when doing the preliminary task we didn’t really have that many ideas to contribute but when making the final product it was one whole big idea from ourselves. Looking back I remember do the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot which I think we have used some of these within Seized.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

How did you attract/address your audience?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I think that the audience for my media product would be directed at people over the age of 18 years because I think that people of the age and over this age are mature enough and would understand the film more whereas some of the age of 12 years would probably be quite scared and frightened and not understand what is going on, also this sort of production should not be exposed to people of the age of 12 years as this could give them ideas. The genre of the film can also apply to people of the ages of 18 years because a lot of people seem to like films that have a twist and have a scary plotline.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I think that although our media product has a similar opening sequence to a high budget film such as Se7en, the film would most likely be distributed by a low budget production company, such as; a channel 4 production or a Coffee Films production company. I think that these sort of low budget film production companies would most likely distribute our media product is because we have not used the best of props and the casting is not well-known whereas in Warner Bros films have well-known actors and have the financial backing to produce films with stunts and have the timing right when filming. A low budget film such as our media production wouldn’t cost much for the props and for the opening scene a dark room can just be used and not a hired place.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Many things have influenced the decisions that have been made for our film, some of which are the film Se7en and also watching other thriller opening sequences so we could get ideas from them. My media product is verysimilar to the film Se7en as that is where most of the ideas for my media product came from although they are not exactly the same. Although my media product has been influenced by the thriller Se7en there has been developments and changes to ours, such as; we decided to used a particular victim and we are showing this victim through images in our opening sequence whereas in the filmSe7enthere is no particular victim shown to the audience. My media product is a very simple and easy way to show an opening sequence and is used within a lot of films and so that is why we thoughtthat it would be good to use this as it is original. I think that the media product is effective because once again it is original and used a lot and so works best within a film.

Props, Costumes & Location

We decided to take an image of a tripod because we used this a lot when we were filming, this helped us to get all of the high angle shots that we needed when looking over the shoulder of the killer and looking down upon the objects.

Monday, February 7, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
In this lesson we came up with the relevant titles that will appear on screen at the beginning of our opening sequence.
Name of Studio
Shemol Studio’s
Name of Production Company
Million Productions
Director Name
A Film by Donna Ellis
Donna Ellis
Shehabur Rahman
Casting by
Sophie Hardy
Music composed by
Alisha Salas
Monday, January 24, 2011
Location Research - My Actual Setting