Tuesday, January 25, 2011



In this lesson we came up with the relevant titles that will appear on screen at the beginning of our opening sequence.

Name of Studio

Shemol Studio’s

Name of Production Company

Million Productions

Director Name

A Film by Donna Ellis


Donna Ellis


Shehabur Rahman

Casting by

Sophie Hardy

Music composed by

Alisha Salas

Shot Lists

Monday, January 24, 2011

Initial Ideas

These were some of the ideas that got took down when we were working in our groups.


Location Research - My Actual Setting

I took the above images of the location of where we will be filming, I did this to give people an insight of what our location would look like in the day time because when we will be filming using this location it will be starting to get dark. I took an image of the wall looking into the car park to show how big the location is on the outside and then I went into the car park and took some images of the trees and the river that flows through this to show that in the park it is bigger than as it appears on outside. I also took an image of a sign on the wall of morden park to show that these pictures are of the location that we have said we are filming at.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Character Description

Donna (aka Victim)

Donna is playing the victim within this film, although we do not see Donna in action we do see images of her being cut up and documents that are made that are related to her and what may happen to her. Donna is portrayed as the victim because she is shown to be innocent through her choice of clothing; we can see that her choice of clothing is very light colours such as white and light grey. We do see an image of Donna where she is wearing a light purple scarf and a black coat and this image has been taken without her knowledge by the killer. The purple scarf yet again shows Donna’s innocence because it is so light. The personality of Donna is not yet revealed to the audience during this opening sequence as images are just being shown of her.

Shehabur (aka Killer)

Shehabur is playing the killer within this film although we do not know it is him playing the killer because we see nothing to suggest that it is him because we only see his hands and arms. The killer is shown in the opening sequence as someone whom is very disturbed and very sinister by the things that he is doing such as the cutting up of images. The choice of costume for Shehabur shows his sinister side because we only see him in dark clothing, showing that the killer doesn’t want to be shown to the audience just yet. The black clothing shows the killer not to stand out very much within the film and the personality of this character is shown throughout this opening sequence through the actions that he makes.

Casting to our film





We didn’t need to give as much thought into who we chose for our characters because within our film we do not see much of any characters. All we chose was two main characters; the killer and the victim. Although the audience does not actually get to see the killer we did decide to have Shehabur as our killer because although this is stereotypical within films, the male seems to be the killer in most cases. We then chose to have Donna as our victim; although they are just photographs of her because we thought that it would be appropriate due to all of the disappearances that we have heard through the media recently. Sophie and Alisha were behind the camera and so did not get a casting part within the film. As a group we thought that this particular casting would be effective and a good way to open our film.

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

I created this shooting schedule and all of the group gave me the information as to when they had free time to film and so with that information I made this shooting schedule. A shooting schedule is when you plan your time out so that you know when you can film and if you have enough time to film.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Questionnaire Pie Chart

I created this graph to show some of the questions that I asked some people about thriller films. I made sure that the most important information that people needed to know would go into my pie chart so I only chose a certain amount of questions.

Thriller Synopsis to Seized

We are seeing a killer planning out something to do with a girl, what the killer is planning out looks very sinister and so the audience may have thoughts such as, “is this girl going to be kidnapped” or “is this girl going to be killer”; the viewer may be thinking those things because we don’t actually know what the killer is planning on doing to this girl only that he is doing sinister things to images of her. We are basically seeing a story of a disturbed person whom has an obsession with this girl or girls in general and so the person is watching this girl from a distance and making disturbing and sinister things to do with her such as drawings.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sophie and Donna's Questionnaire

We are currently making a thriller film in Year 12 Media Studies and would like for you to answer some questions about thriller films to help us make our thriller film even better.

Question 1
How old are you? (Circe appropriate)
Under 18

Question 2
What is your gender (Circle appropriate)

Question 3
If you were choosing the location of your own film out of the following 3 choices what would you choose and why? (Circle the below option)

Worcester Park - The Hamptons

Morden Park


Your reason why?

Question 4
What sound effects would you use and why?

Question 5
How many characters would you choose to put in your film and what would you have them doing? (Please circle the following and explain yourself on the lines)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Question 6
Do you have children? (If so then please answer question 7 and if not please go to question 8)

Question 7
What would you do in the situation if your child went missing and how would you go about finding them?

Question 8
If someone close to you went missing how would you go about finding them?