We firstly see a shot of a woman's feet, she is running; by the sound of her breathing and the fact that she is running in bare feet shows that she could be running from someone of something. We are also looking down on this woman to show that she is a lower status. We then see the mid shot of the woman as we want to know what the person looks like after seeing her running bare feet. When we see the mid shot of this woman we can see from her facial expression and the way she is breathing that she is in distress. During this time we see an establishing shot of where the woman is because we want to know what is going on and there is a small light in this establishing shot which shows that she could be running from that. We keep seeing mid shots of this woman's feet and face as cars drive past her when she is trying to stop them to get a lift. There is then the establishing shot of when the woman stands in front of a car to get it to stop and we can only see the outline of the woman because the lights of the car are shining on her. Also this shot shows that she is in the rule of thirds. While seeing the shots of the woman and man it looks as if this is a third person watching this. The woman then gets into the car with the man and this starts to show a lot of two shots as we see the man and woman talking a lot of the time. When the titles start to appear we see the back of the heads of the man and woman which is showing not only a two shot but also a point of view shot.
The costume of the woman shows that she is wearing nothing but a trench coat, this shows that something could have happened to her for her to be wearing nothing but a trench coat. We can tell that the woman is wearing nothing but a trench coat because of when we see the shots of her running in bare feet and also the man in the car says something to her about it. The colour choices of this film are very dull as this film is in black and white. We can see in this film that this is at night time and also outside. The facial expressions that the woman keeps showing shows that she is in distress and that she wants help. The location of this seems to be in the middle of nowhere and the man did say something about her escaping from a mental institution which would most likely be in the middle of nowhere. The fact that this woman is running in bare feet shows that she really wants to get away from something as her feet could be cut up. The white car that the man is driving could mean that he is her hero, it could mean another meaning of him being her hero on a white horse.
The cutting of the shots is fast when we see the woman's running feet and then it goes to a shot of the woman's face. The titles slide onto the screen and fade in, this looks like the end of the film as there are so many titles being shown. By most of the titles being shown at the beginning which looks like the ending could mean that the film may start with a bit of the ending first. The titles also only show the main actors and the main people to do with this production. There are some slow paced shots, for example; when the woman is walking to the man's car and is also in distress. We also see shot/reverse shot when the man is looking at the woman and the woman is looking at the man.
We hear the non-diegetic of the music playing with a woman crying in the background when the titles appear. The dialogue when the man and woman are talking is quite snappy, you need to pay attention to know what they are saying. The noises that the woman makes when she is running and when she is in the car show that she is in distress as she is crying. The amound of panting and breathing the woman does shows that she has been running for a long time. From what the officers say to the man and woman we know that this woman has escaped from a mental instituation.
Story - How the opening sets it?
The opening sets the story as we find out that the woman has escaped from a mental instituation and we know what the woman is obviously running from. Also the man picking the woman up in the car could show that he is also a key character in this film.
How the opening suggests the genre (thriller)
The opening suggests that the film is a thriller as we firstly see the woman running, showing that she is running from someone or something. In most thrillers we see that there is a 'baddie' and this could be the person or thing that she is running from. Also the fact that this seems to be in the middle of nowhere shows that this is a thriller.