We firstly see a close-up of someone's jeans and shoes, this could be significant to the story. We then see an extreme close-up of a boys eyes which is unsettling because we do not know what he is looking at till the next shot. There is then an establishing shot of the boy looking at the dead girl, at this point the audience could be wondering this this boy kill the girl. We then see a low angle shot and mid-shot of the boys face again, he is still looking at this girl. We then see a shot of the girls legs, this is shown in a mid-shot. We once again see another shot of the boy looking at something else on the girl, we see this shot going from a mid-shot closer and closer to his face. We then see a mid-shot going into a close-up of the girls face which is covered in her hair, this then goes back to a mid-shot of the boy looking at her still. We then finally see a mid-shot of her bracelet which goes into another mid-shot of the girl wearing the bracelet and putting a note through a locker when she was alive, still wearing the clothes that she is seen to be dead in. When we saw the shots of the boy looking at the girl and then see a part of the girl it was like we were seeing what the boy was looking at and thinking about while looking at the girl, this was also match on action. Once we have seen the mid-shot of the bracelet on the girls arm alive we then see the title appear on the screen in bold letters with a black background while zooming out. We then see the title of 'two days previous' also in bold letters and a mid-shot going into a close-up of yet again the same person's jeans and shoes which we saw at the beginning walking down a school hallway. We then see an establishing shot of the boy looking around while at his locker. There is then a close-up of the letter that was put into this boys locker. We see a close-up of the boys watch when he is looking at it because it shows that the person who was meant to meet him is half an hour late. Once again we see an establishing shot of where the boy is and this time it looks like he is on the motorway although there is a telephone box there. We then see a low angle shot of the boy talking to a mysterious person on the phone. We then see a pan shot of the boy looking around trying to see where this person is watching him from. We then see a low angle and a close-up shot of a person throwing a cigarette out of the car which is a key thing. Finally there is a close-up of the cigarette which shows an arrow on it which is a key thing.
There are some brightly coloured costumes within this film, although we see the dead girl wearing dirty clothes they are still brightly coloured. The costume of the dead girl shows that she could have been going out somewhere nice. The dead girl is also wearing a bracelet which looks like a cheap piece of jewellery but also seems to be a key shot within the film. We go from seeing the dead girl in the costume that is all muddy to seeing the girl alive with the same costume but the costume is bright and clean. The location of where the dead girl is, is in a storm drain. In the next scene the location is set within what looks like a school as we can see the lockers and the school bell ringing. We then go to the next scene of the when the boy is sitting on a pavement and it looks as if he is in a deserted place, this is quite a light place with bright colours. The boy is still wearing the same costume as the last time we saw him which was at the scene where the girl is dead.
The editing for this film has quite slow paced shots at the beginning when the boy looks at the girl's dead body. The cutting of the shots are quite fast when we get to the point of when the boy has just ran out of the telephone box while looking at someone drive past a quite a speed and throwing a ciggarette out of the window which is a clue.
SoundThe sound at the beginning of the film is non-diegetic and also very uneasy as it is creepy music playing in the background while the boy is just staring at the dead girl. We then hear a bell, perhaps a school bell which then takes us to the next scene of when the girl is alive. The sound becomes diegetic after the bell rings. We the hear the telephone ringing in the scene where it looks like the place is deserted. We then hear the panicked dialogue of a girl who does'nt know what she is going to do, this is the beginning of finding out what is going on in the film.
Story - How the opening sets it
A sort of lonely person's ex-girlfriend goes missing and so the boy sets out to find how and why she died. We see from the beginning the girl dead and so it goes back to two days later and shows you what happened for her to have died.
How the opening suggests the genre (thriller)
The opening suggests the genre as it looks as if it is part of the end of the film but placed at the start of the film. Also the opening lets us see a dead girl with a boy looking and watching this girl which shows the film to be a thriller as this is at the beginning of the film.
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